The RamJet Turbine
Our contribution to climate neutrality and energy transition
We are developing a new generation of highly efficient and environmentally friendly combustion engines that serve to generate energy continuously, independent of the day and independent of season. This means that renewable energy can be produced very efficiently under any weather conditions. In addition, generation can be adapted to fluctuating load or demand requirements. Fluctuations in the supply of electricity by other renewable energy generation technologies and energy producers can therefore also be balanced, which makes an additional valuable contribution to securing a stable energy supply.
Chart above: Different forms of renewable energy generation technologies in annual comparison (shown for climatic conditions in Austria and Germany)
The graph illustrates the seasonal output fluctuation of different renewable energy generation technologies. Furthermore, it contains the required capacity to be installed for each of the energy generation forms shown in order to achieve the same annual electricity production quantities.
And the reverse perspective:
Annual energy production per installed megawatt, by renewable energy type (for Germany and Austria)
Different electricity generation quantities for the same installed capacities:
How can we achieve the energy transition?
The figures in the two charts impressively illustrate that an energy generation mix is absolutely necessary to meet the demand for energy from sustainable sources, and to be able to provide the required quantities of energy over the whole year.
The most important advantages of the RamJet Turbine:
I: High efficiency in power generation, high electrical efficiency
*) Overall concept as a stationary power generation plant
*) Focus on maximum generation of electrical energy with minimum waste heat
*) Heat recovery (heat recuperation) in the external heat exchanger
II: Optimal cost-earnings relation, low total cost of ownership
*) high machine lifetime (turbine specific) leads to low specific annual costs
*) the modular design makes component replacement easy and service effort low
*) short time of shutdowns result in high annual availability and low service costs
III: Flexibility in service provision
*) with regard to methane concentration: flexible control of the fuel-air mixture composition for optimal combustion
*) optimisable operating behaviour of the shaft-independent exhaust gas turbocharger enables smooth adaptation to different performance requirements
*) this leads to an optimised operation behaviour of the RamJet Turbine as one of the main results
Practical: The ramjet turbine is delivered as a completely pre-assembled module in various power levels between 30kW and 100kW and connected directly.
In the first development and rollout phase, the RamJet Turbine will be manufactured as a gas turbine in the power range of approx. 30kW - 100kW.
The target markets pursued in this first rollout phase are primarily:
* municipal sewage treatment plants with biogas production
* large farms
* landfills
* combustion of hydrogen
* demand for decentralised power generation
* industrial associated gas production
Driven by the desire to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and to develop a highly efficient combustion engine especially optimised for regenerative, CO2-neutral fuels, we developed our patented RamJet Turbine.
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